New Delhi. The market did not like the retail inflation figures. The already falling market moved further towards the abyss on Wednesday. By the time of writing the news, both Sensex and Nifty have fallen by about 1.5 percent. While Sensex is trading near 77600, Nifty has slipped to near 23500. Sensex closed at 77690 points on Wednesday with a fall of 1.25 percent. Nifty of 50 shares closed at 23559, falling 1.36 percent.
Out of 50 Nifty stocks, 43 stocks closed with a fall while 7 stocks saw a rise. Talking about the sectoral index, the banking sector was disappointed the most today. Bank Nifty closed with a fall of about 1.70 percent. Federal Bank and Bank of Baroda fell by more than 3 percent. Whereas, IDFC First Bank, PNB, and AU Bank fell by more than 2 percent.
Who rose, who fell?
Britannia, Tata Motors, NTPC, Infosys and Hindustan Unilever closed in the green zone on Nifty. However, none of these stocks closed with a gain of even half a pe,rcent. On the other hand, Hero MotoCorp closed down by more than 4 percent. Apart from this, Hindalco, M&M, Eicher Motors, and Tata Steel closed down by more than 3 percent.
Why did the fall happen?
Geojit Financial Services' chief investment strategist V.K. Vijaykumar has called the rise in the yields of 10-year bonds in the US a matter of concern for the Indian market. He says that due to Trump's victory, there is already a situation of high volatility in the market. According to Vijaykumar, in such a situation, due to the increase in bond yields, investors will leave the emerging markets and invest in US bonds. Let us tell you that foreign institutional investors are constantly withdrawing money from the Indian market. In the first 5 trading sessions of November itself, FPIs have withdrawn about Rs 20,000 crore from the Indian market.