
Bihar STET results 2024 out: The results of the Bihar State Teacher Eligibility Test (Bihar STET Result) have been declared. Lakhs of youth who dreamed of becoming teachers had participated in this exam. A total of 4,23,822 had taken the Bihar STET exam. Of which one lakh 94 thousand 697 candidates have passed in Paper 1. One lakh three thousand fifty candidates have passed in Paper 2. The Bihar STET exam was conducted between 11th and 19th June. Now the question arises whether those who pass this exam will get a teacher's job in Bihar. Let us know similar questions and some things related to STET.

Will STET pass become teachers?
This question is often asked that if someone passes the Bihar STET exam, will he become a teacher? Its simple and clear answer is that passing STET is not a guarantee of becoming a teacher. This is a qualifying exam, in which the passed candidates are considered eligible to appear in the teacher recruitment exam. Candidates who are successful in the Bihar STET exam can apply for the teacher recruitment exam to be held in the state. This year, the candidates who have been successful in Bihar STET will now be able to appear in the fourth phase of the teacher recruitment exam of the Bihar Public Service Commission.

How long will the STET certificate be useful?
One question that remains in the minds of candidates who take the Bihar STET exam is how long does the certificate of this exam remains valid. Let us tell you that the validity of the certificate of the Bihar STET exam is lifelong, that is, you can participate in the teacher recruitment exam in Bihar anytime.

How many papers are there in Bihar STET? There
are a total of two papers in Bihar STET.
Paper 1: Candidates who pass this exam are considered eligible for recruitment as teachers in secondary schools, that is, candidates who pass this paper can appear for the teacher recruitment exam for classes 9th and 10th.
Paper 2: Candidates who pass this exam can participate in the teacher recruitment for senior secondary schools. Candidates who pass Paper 2 are considered eligible to become teachers of class 11th and class 12th.

How much qualifying marks for whom?
It is mandatory to get qualifying marks for success in the BimanyState Teacher Eligibility Test (Bihar STET). General category candidates appearing in this exam are required to score 75 marks. Backward class candidates are required to score 68.25 marks, the EWS category is required to score 63.75 marks, and Based onOBC/ST/SC/Women and Divyang are required to score 60 marks. On the basis of these marks, the candidate is declared successful or unsuccessful in this exam.