
Bahubali fame actress Anushka Shetty has become a victim of rare laughing disease. Most people have rarely heard of a disease by this name. In a recent interview, the actress herself has revealed this disease. The actress said that she laughs excessively due to this disease. Even though this may sound strange, but this is true because such symptoms are seen in the patients suffering from laughing disease. Let us know about some symptoms of laughing disease. 

Laughter is not easily stopped

Anushka Shetty has been diagnosed with a disease called Pseudobulbar Affect or PBA. For your information, let us tell you that this disease is also known as laughing disorder. When the patient suffering from this disease starts laughing, he cannot stop laughing for about 15-20 minutes. Laughing disease is a problem related to the nervous system. Actually, due to this problem, the patient starts laughing or crying a lot. 

Difficult to control emotions

If someone has a laughing disease like Anushka Shetty, then it is much more difficult for that person to control his emotions as compared to others. People suffering from this disorder are also unable to control their anger. Overall, excessive crying, laughing, or getting angry can be symptoms of this disease. 

caution must be taken

If you are also seeing such symptoms in yourself, then you should not make the mistake of ignoring them. Your slightest negligence can take a toll on your health. If you see such symptoms, immediately consult a good doctor. Keep in mind that excess of anything can damage your health badly.
