Number 1 (People born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month)
Ganesha says that the misunderstandings that are happening right now will lead nowhere and will take time to be resolved. The desire to have the luxuries of life, here and now, will persist throughout the day. Headaches and feverish feelings may persist throughout the day. If you are planning collaborations or investments from abroad you may be disappointed. It is best to postpone these things for a more favorable period. You are looking for some adventure in your life, possibly outside your current relationship. Make sure you do not hurt your partner. Your lucky number is 15 and your lucky color is peach.
Number 2 (People born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month)
Ganesha says spirituality attracts you, and you are inclined to try to learn more about it. Today you seem to be suffering from the pangs of anxiety. Be careful while accepting offers of help, as the possibility of deception is high today. Avoid lending money to anyone in business. Romance is smooth after some initial troubles. Your lucky number is 7 and your lucky color is baby grey.
Number 3 (People born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month)
Ganesha says that today is a day full of adventure and excitement. A feeling of discontent will prevail throughout the day. Enemies will not be able to harm you at this time; no matter how hard they try. Expected money from distant shores will come easily. What started as a light flirtation may turn into something more meaningful. Your lucky number is 1 and your lucky color is forest green.
Number 4 (People born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month)
Ganesha says you will feel misunderstood and isolated. You are jovial and keep everyone around you happy with your wit. Be careful; your enemies will be waiting just around the corner. You make a lot of money easily. You save most of it for a rainy day. You feel life is nothing without love; now is the time to set things right. Your lucky number is 3 and your lucky colour is pink.
Number 5 (People born on 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month)
Ganesha says all is well on the domestic front. Your relationships will become more meaningful with time. You will struggle to control your anger today. A severe headache may occur; take rest and relax. This is a good day to form new business alliances. There is an opportunity to form a deeper or more meaningful relationship with someone you have liked for a long time. Your lucky number is 11 and your lucky color is pink.
Number 6 (People born on 6th, 15th or 24th of any month)
Ganesha says that despite your best efforts and willingness to compromise, domestic life may remain turbulent. Today you will enjoy eating out. You will need to visit a dentist soon. Use your knowledge and intelligence to advance your career. This is a good time to plan for the big day. Your lucky number is 9 and your lucky color is purple.
Number 7 (People born on 7th, 16th, and 25th of any month)
Ganesha says be careful while dealing with higher authorities as it may lead to trouble later on. You are jovial and keep entertaining people around you with your sharp wit. As far as rivals are concerned, you will be able to come on top. Business will flourish and you will make good profits. This is your chance to bring a change in your partner's life. Your lucky number is 8 and your lucky color is white.
Number 8 (People born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month)
Ganesha says you are happy with the appreciation of your peers. If you feel that people are plotting against you, be firm. This is the time when you can achieve what you have been craving for a long time. This is a day of heavy expenditure as you will entertain potential clients from abroad. Listen to your partner patiently, even if you disagree with their views; life is a compromise. Your lucky number is 1 and your lucky color is yellow.
Number 9 (People born on 9th, 18th and 27th of any month)
Ganesha says this day will be memorable for you as you will reach a milestone professionally. Unexpected discord will leave you wondering what is happening and why. Your mental energy is not at its best. You will face professional rivalry, but you can take it in your stride. What started as a light flirting may turn into something more meaningful. Your lucky number is 18 and your lucky colour is saffron.