
Yoga poses to sharpen the brain: Not only our body but also our mind gets tired due to the hustle and bustle, worry, and stress of the whole day. This problem increases with increasing age. Due to excessive stress and fatigue, there is difficulty in understanding things, memory starts weakening and there is difficulty in learning new things. But with the help of yoga, you can not only make your brain sharp, but can also keep the effects of old age away to a great extent. If you do some special yoga asanas regularly, then your mental health will improve very fast. Also, the problems that come with aging can also be reduced.

10 Yogasanas to sharpen the brain –

Corpse Pose – This is an easy asana that anyone can do. It completely calms the mind, reduces stress, and brings mental clarity.

Sarvangasana ( Shoulder Stand) – It increases blood flow in the brain, which increases memory power. In this way, it can help protect the brain from the effects of aging.

Tree Pose – This asana helps in improving balance and concentration, thereby increasing brain power and helping in focusing.

Paschimottanasana ( Seated Forward Bend) – This asana also relieves stress and calms the mind. It stretches the body and strengthens the muscles.

Padmasana ( Lotus Pose) – Padmasana can be called the best workout to focus and increase concentration. It helps in meditation and relaxes the mind.

Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose) – This asana also activates the nerves of the brain very easily and reduces mental tiredness.

Halasana ( Plow Pose) – This asana increases blood flow to the brain and brings freshness to the brain. It is also useful in reducing fatigue and the effects of age.

Headstand: It increases blood flow to the brain, which increases its efficiency. It also increases concentration and mental clarity. This asana also helps in reducing stress.

Uttanasana ( Standing Forward Bend) – This asana increases blood flow to the brain, which improves mental power and concentration.

Kapalabhati Pranayama- This asana is also very effective for the brain. Its practice improves the supply of oxygen in the body, which makes one feel fresh, clear, and energetic.

If you practice these yoga asanas regularly, not only will your brain capacity increase, but you will also be protected from the effects of old age.
