
10 September 2024 Panchang (Panchang of 10 September 2024): Sunrise will be at 5:46 am on the Saptami Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month. Sunset will be at 06:22 pm today. Abhijeet Muhurta of Puja on this day will be from 11:52 to 12:25 pm. In this Muhurta, you can worship Santan Saptami. Today, the time of Rahukaal will be from 03 pm to 04:30 pm. No auspicious work should be done during this time. Now let's know today's complete Panchang.

10 September 2024 Panchang (Panchang of 10 September 2024)

Samvat-Pingala Vikram Samvat 2081

Month- Bhadrapada, Shukla Paksha

Date- Saptami, Fast- Tuesday Fast

Day- Tuesday

Sunrise- 05:46 am

Sunset- 06:22 pm

Nakshatra- Anuradha till 08:05 pm then Jyeshtha

Moon sign- Scorpio, Ruling planet- Mars

Sun sign- Leo, Lord- Sun

Karan- If by 10:37 pm then Vanij

Yoga:- Vishkumbh

auspicious time

1 Abhijeet- 11:52am to 12:25pm

2Vijay Muhurta- 02:24 pm to 03:21 pm

3 Twilight Muhurta-- 06:21 pm to 07:22 pm

4 Brahma Muhurta- from 4:09am to 05:01am

5 Amrit Kaal- 06:03am to 07:53am

6 Nishith Kaal Muhurta- from 11:51 pm to 12:29 pm

Evening worship- 06:21 pm to 07:07 pm

Disha school - East direction. Avoid traveling in this direction. On the day of Disha school avoid travelling in that direction. If necessary then plan your departure a day in advance and then travel by that route.

Inauspicious time

Rahukaal- from 03:00 pm to 04:30 pm

What to do - Today is the fourth day of fasting of Ganesh Utsav. Ganpati destroys obstacles. Ganesh ji is the god who completes any task without any obstacles. Everyone can keep this fast. Donate modaks, sweets, water, food and clothes. Some saints keep Nirjala fast. You can keep a regular weekly Tuesday fast. Recite Sunderkand. Today your food should be fruitful. Get any big religious ritual done. Today reciting Shree Hanuman Chalisa 07 times also holds great importance. Ganesh idols which have been installed in homes are duly worshipped. Ganesh ji destroys all troubles. Celebrate the Ganpati festival with great pomp and show. Worshiping Ganesh ji also gives many tantric siddhis.

What not to do - Disrespecting your elder brother brings bad results. Do not disobey your elder brother in any matter.